Metamora Twp. High School
Graphic Arts
CIP: 10.0301
Semester - 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: None
This course teaches students the basic knowledge and skills of the graphic arts field from idea generation and design to printing and finishing. Team and individual project work provide the basis for which students learn the course content. Students will use industry standard software (Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop) for their projects. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and/or basic skills in the following areas: history of printing and communications, careers, safety, relief printing, offset printing, gravure printing, screen printing, heat transfer printing, design (type styles, type setting, measuring, sketching, color, layouts, tint screening, elements of design), layout procedures, desktop publishing (design procedures, scanning, photographic editing), proofing, offset press work, binding and finishing, ink, paper and papermaking, and new technology in the field.